Tips for Starting a Successful Business

Tips for Starting a Successful Business

What Should You Expect As Part Of Your SAP Treatment Program?

by Brianna Cole

If you work in a safety-sensitive job that's regulated by the Department of Transportation, like a mechanic or truck driver, you'll be required to undergo random drug testing. Refusing to take a test or failing one will result in you immediately being suspended by your company, and you'll have to complete a DOT-qualifying Substance Abuse Professional program in order to work a safety-sensitive job again. This applies even if you want to work for another company, as companies regulated by the DOT are required to check if you've ever failed a drug test and were required to take an SAP course.

SAP providers are social workers, counselors, and doctors that have undergone training to help people stay off drugs and alcohol and successfully return to work. They don't provide therapy themselves but instead create a treatment and education program that you'll be required to follow. If you're required to complete an SAP course, read on to find out what forms of treatment may be part of the program.

Inpatient Rehab

When you have your first visit with the SAP provider, you'll be evaluated to determine the level of help that you need in order to successfully stay clean from drugs and alcohol. If you've had a long history of substance abuse issues, your SAP provider may require you to attend inpatient rehab. Inpatient rehab is the most involved form of substance abuse recovery since you'll be required to stay in a facility during the whole treatment program. You'll attend group meetings and sessions with therapists in order to help you discover what's driving your substance abuse issues, which can help you successfully tackle them.

While inpatient rehab is one of the most involved forms of therapy since it requires you to move and temporarily take a break from everything else, it's also very effective — it gives you the chance to focus fully on your recovery in a completely new environment.

Intensive Outpatient Programs

For less long-standing substance abuse issues, your SAP provider may require you to attend an intensive outpatient program. You'll live at home while you attend it, so you'll be able to continue working in a job that isn't safety-sensitive. Intensive outpatient programs are similar to inpatient rehab in that you'll be required to attend meetings and therapy sessions, but they also typically subject you to random drug testing in order to make sure you're staying free from drugs and alcohol (this is usually necessary for inpatient rehab since it's a controlled environment). Intensive outpatient programs keep you accountable with their frequent drug testing and required attendance, and the accountability can help you stay clean from drugs and alcohol.


Another option that your SAP provider may require is outpatient therapy. You'll attend several scheduled sessions where you'll get the chance to talk about what caused you to use drugs and alcohol on the job. Therapy is more relaxed than inpatient rehab and intensive outpatient programs, as drug testing usually isn't required. SAP providers tend to reserve it for workers who have only recently developed a substance abuse problem.

Drug and Alcohol Education

In addition to treatment, SAP programs also have an education portion. These are typically short classes with a quiz at the end, and they can be offered either in-person or online. The purpose of these courses is to teach you how drugs and alcohol affect your ability to operate vehicles, which allows you to learn more about the safety risks of drinking alcohol or taking drugs while you're on the job.

If you've failed a drug test for a DOT job or refused to take one, speak to your employer about going through a Substance Abuse Professional provider program. Your employers may have a specific SAP provider that they require you to use in order to return to work. If your employer doesn't have a preferred provider, you'll be able to search for one on your own — you can find referral services or directories online. While your specific treatment program will be decided by the SAP provider's evaluation, it's a good idea to find one that partners with facilities in the area that you think will be a good fit for you — this will help you successfully complete the program, stay away from drugs and alcohol and return to your job.

For more information, contact a substance abuse professional provider near you.


About Me

Tips for Starting a Successful Business

I took a lot of business classes while in college, and while I've never gone into the business realm myself, I still take an active interest in successful business tactics. While taking one of my favorite courses in college, my professor required me to create a detailed business plan for a fictional company. During the completion of this assignment, I researched ways to make a new business successful. I discovered that implementing marketing strategies is crucial. I also learned about the value of offering a product or service customers in your target area desire. For example, selling snow plows in Miami, Florida is probably not a great idea. On this blog, I hope you will discover some ingenious tips to help you become a successful entrepreneur.